De-Google your life!
Google had been collecting geo-location data even when the location services were switched off on individual devices.
You must have pondered how to get under a hood and be invisible to google for various reasons. You can find various subreddits and websites dedicated to this issue.
Since the first entry point to a google environment is you registering with an email id…. it is sensible to look for alternatives..
Comes in Proton Mail…
Another company is “fastmail” they don’t encrypt your mails but store them in an encrypted state and guess what they don’t advertise to you mail id and don’t scrape it..
If you wanna migrate from gmail … pop all your email out of gmail and put an autoresponder to your gmail account to provide your protonmail account so that the new address gets added to your friends and colleagues..and you can sort things out if any new individual mail arrives at your gmail account.
Your androids are your biggest liability if you want to go this path. Your location, your contacts, photos, drive… you get the idea. Face id.. on ios yes apple folks you are also not that secure you think..but maybe in a better position than andoid users. You can flash you ROM but I won’t advise to do so..
The Librem phone is an openly funded project. Check that out.